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Когда рублю срочно требуется то ли хилер, то ли некромант, а в магазинах неожиданно заканчиваются плазменные телевизоры, наступает оно — время старых добрых ультрадешевых игр. Down with the dominance of AAA blockbusters, the road to penny projects!

Below we present a list of the most affordable games, most of which cost less than traveling by metro. Play and save!

Defy Gravity Extended

Where you can get it : PC, Xbox

Where cheaper : at Steam until January 2, you can buy for only 2 rubles; In Xbox Live, a whole dollar is asked for her

Let's start with the highest and lowest at the same time – with flights in space for two rubles from the nose, in other words, from Defy Gravity Extended. The perfect solution for those who wanted to explore the interstellar space on the fleet of starships from Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, But I realized that the little things that are stricking in his pocket will be enough at the most on one spaceship for one spiting cosmonaut.

So, you are an astronaut who, unlike Sandra Bullock, is not afraid to fly through the open space, because you can subordinate gravity to his will. Still! After all, you have a special gun creating in the interstellar space of the attraction zone. They will help you jump over the astro-yams, climb on astro costs and climb through astro-shoes. And how else? Cosmos is simply stuffed with all sorts of platforms and walls on which you can jump and jump.

In addition, the same repeating texture of the scenery and the predominance of black and gray tones will protect your monitor from premature aging, which means that it will save in the long term. As a free supplement – thoughts about the eternal, helping to infuse over the bustle of the mortal world and the frightening numbers of the foreign exchange market.

GearCrack Arena

Where you can get it : PC

Where cheaper : at Steam until January 2, you can buy for only 2 rubles

Deus Ex: Human Revolution For the poor, or "Save electricity, burn candles". Here is a real cyberpunk, the developers of which got the last drops from the bottom of the lake, previously scooped up by the authors Matrices and the creators System Shock.

You are a hacker. In your head you have a wire, on the top of the head – white Irroz, and in the eyes, according to the covenants of William Gibson, – a hint of addiction to drugs. Your comfort zone is a small dark arena, where you can calmly cram, without being distracted by the outside world – bursts at the seams. It is not clear who the created robots break inward, forcing you to remember the skills acquired in Crimsonland, And accept the battle.

At your service a gun, katana and the ability to hack mechanical brains, immobilizing robots for a few seconds. With each level of enemies there are more and more … and then the game suddenly ends. Entertainment strictly for one evening.

However, the whole smack is not so much in the game itself as in its amazing soundtrack. As many as thirteen melodies in the style of cyberpunk for two rubles! Yes, and you can play something there. It is like a portion of Stolovskoye buckwheat, in which a piece of sausage is unexpectedly discovered, for which you did not pay. Just a dream!

Dead Bits

Where you can get it : PC

Where cheaper : at Steam until January 2, you can buy for only 3 rubles

I want a baiting shooter, but there is not enough money for fresh and modern graphics? Feel free to download Dead Bits – broth cubes with chicken taste from the world of video games. Just dissolve them in boiling water of the hard disk of your computer, add a roasting from finely chopped monsters, a plot about the guy stolen by aliens, who needs to go through nine levels of testing, and season with a modest arsenal of weapons. You can eat!

So what, that everything is square here. From the cubes! The main thing is cheap and added up.

And also it is almost Minecraft, Only exploiting not love for creation, but a passion for destruction. But confess when the crisis is in the courtyard, in the wallet is emptiness, and in the Games folder an annoying emptiness, doesn’t you want to break something out of anger?

So forward, c Dead Bits! The angular machine gun is waiting.

Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf

Where you can get it : PC

Where cheaper : at Steam until January 2, you can buy for only 4 rubles

Dreaming of space, frightening someone else's and cute daughter Ellen Ripley? Well, don't dream! A crisis is a time when you have to go down from heaven and tremble under the blanket not from the type of alien creatures, but from the display on a bank exchanger. But if you are unbearable without horror, buy yourself Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf.

In fact, the paste of carbonar and noodles of quick cooking is the same long strips of dough, so why pay more? Exactly the same logic must be followed when buying Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf. There is a main character with a flashlight and a gun. There are locations suffering from a lack of light, there is a title monster.

The formula is almost the same as in Alien: ISOLATION, Only the surroundings differ. Here we are not in space and aliens, but a wild west and a werewolf who has gobbled up all the inhabitants of the village. But think for yourself who is better for you to be-a frightened girl-engineer or a seasoned hunter, fearlessly walking on the blurry blues, shooting away from spiders, snakes, skeletons and wolves?

Unearthhed: Trail of Ibn Battuta – Episode 1 – Gold Edition

Where you can get it : iOS, PC, Mac, PS3

Where cheaper : at Steam until January 2, you can buy for only 32 rubles, in PS Store – for 36 rubles, but in the App Store – for $ 0.99

When Nathan Drake, because of the little fee, refuses to speak at the New Year's corporate party, his name is Faris Javad. This is almost the same drick, only with the eastern color and smaller budget. Even its number has a number almost like that Uncharted – Unearthhed. We have already written about this skillful fake from Saudi Arabia, but we think that now is the time to remind you about it, as well as that in the old -fashioned hugs, the good old ABIDAS, PYMA and LAKOST are waiting for you with the open arms. Crisis, what is there to sort.

And in general – than the Pharis Javad is worse for you? He, too, is looking for treasures, shoots people and saves women. And is it possible to accuse him of plagiarism at all if Drake himself is frankly unclean in his hands? In the game industry, Lara Croft has been doing the same for a long time, and before her in cinema, Indiana Jones was noted. So, as they say, whose cow would mumble, but specifically this cheaper. Wrap!

The Impossible Game

Where you can get it : iOS, PC, Mac, PS3, PSP, PS vita, Xbox

Where cheaper : in App Store – $ 0.99, in Steam – 129 rubles, in PS Store – 75 rubles, and in Xbox Live – $ 1.

This surprisingly kind, sweet and soothing game is a real gift for those whose nerves are shook with the sinusoidal movement of the national Russian currency. Just sit down by the screen, pick up the joystick and spend a small orange square from the beginning of the level to the end.

There is no need to strain here. The square moves itself, and you just need to press only one button in time so that it jumps over low obstacles. Meditative action to good music will take you to the world of calm and joy. It is possible that during the game you will even fall asleep with a blessed smile on the lips and peace in your head. There is only good music, you are a square that occasionally jumping on the platforms ..

But then the music accelerates, and The Impossible Game It turns into a simulator of a ruble jumping in the foreign exchange market. Ahead is a spike, another spike, followed by two more. Do not stumble! For the euro they already give 90 rubles! You jump too badly! Already 95 rubles! Jump better! 100 rubles! What are you doing? Who https://hopa-casino.co.uk/ taught you to jump like that? Music plays even faster! Stunned, euros already more than 100 rubles! The level is turned upside down! Everything is gone! Euro – 95 rubles. What?! Euro – 75 rubles. How did you succeed? Euro – 70 rubles. UV seems to have slipped. Euro – 67 rubles. Hooray! Why … why do your hands shake?


Where you can get it : PS3, PSP, PS vita

Where cheaper : 99 rubles in PS Store for the version for PS3; 189 rubles for versions for PSP and PS vita

One of the most popular tips regarding how to survive in a crisis is to engage in natural household, that is, plant a garden with potatoes and settle in chicken in chicken coat. Well, c Piyotama We will do something like this – we will grow chicken from multi -colored testicles.

According to the description – "Tamagochi", and in fact – "chicken" Lines. There is a glass full of multi -colored eggs, and there are you – the one who should burst them, building the same color in the line. As soon as the next brood of chickens flushes out of the glass, a couple of eggs will fall on top, followed by another one and more, just keep up with a leash.

In fact, with such a prolific chicken (and she is only one in the plot, and her name is Piyo) Hunger does not threaten us. Only a couple of things embarrassed. Firstly, gnawing at the monitor is useless, and secondly, chickens are too tile, well, how to bake such in the oven?

* * *

In the meantime, you read this text, the ruble exchange rate has done another turn. It's time to run to see which one is. Suddenly the crisis is canceled and from tomorrow every resident of Russia will be on his own Lamborghini?

Well, if not, you know what to do. Put buckwheat on the stove and download one of the above good old ultra -shit games … How is it – they bought all the buckwheat?!

Alfombras especiales animales

¿Te gustaría poner en casa alfombras pero tienes animales de compañía o alguno de los miembros de la familia sufre de alergías?

En Cleanmats.es tenemos la solución a tus problemas. Las alfombrillas Wash + Dry Decor son la elección perfecta para dueños de mascotas y personas que sufren de alérgicas.

Tienen una calidad única, que combina las funciones higiénicas de una alfombrilla con los aspectos visuales de una alfombra exclusiva, ¡proporcionando puro placer de diseño e higiene para cualquier espacio de la casa!

Todas las alfombras Wash + Dry Decor son lavables a máquina hasta 60 ° C. Son fáciles de mantener, con bordes planos, absorbentes de ruido y antideslizantes. Nuestras alfombrillas Wash + Dry Decor están fabricadas en Europa con un respaldo de caucho 100% nitrilo.

Vuelta al cole con seguridad

Uno de los temas que más preocupa de la pandemia es cómo va a ser la vuelta al colegio de nuestros pequeños. Hay mucha incertidumbre sobro cuales serán los protocolos de seguridad, cómo será la vuelta al colegio con la nueva normalidad. CleanMats cuenta con una línea de alfombras especializada para la higiene de espacios públicos o de alto tránsito: alfombras de distancia, alfomfras higiénicas para accesos  y salidas, dispensadores de gel, señalización y recuerdo de la medidas de higiene y seguridad…

Y las escuelas no podían ser menos, desde CleanMats.es queremos ayudar a que los pequeños guarden la distancia de seguridad en las colas o zonas comunes del colegio con esta divertida línea de alfombras infantiles. Són alfombras de alta calidad Kleentex, de 85 x 200 cm para colocar en cualquier espacio donde sea necesario y a la vez decorar.

Llámanos y te informaros.

Alfombras especiales COVID

La pandemia ha hecho que todos los negocios hayan tenido que adaptar su forma de trabajar a unas nuevas condiciones de seguridad e higiene. En Cleanmats tenemos las alfombras higiénicas que estás buscando para la desinfección del COVID-19 diaria para el calzado.

Si tienes un hotel, un restaurante, una clínica o trabajas en una zona de mucho tránsito, incluso para uso personal en casa, las Alfombras Cleanmats son la mejor opción, te permiten desinfectar la suela de los zapatos además de señailizar las distancias de seguridad en colas o accesos, difundir cualquier tipo de mensaje sobre las medidas de higiene.

Llámanos y te informaremos de todas las posibilidades que podemos ofrecerte para tu negocio o para el hogar.

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